The next step is to contact our vendor to see if they can provide some recommendations. I'm in the process of scheduling that meeting now. If you'd like to test your bandwidth and post results in the comments, it would be helpful to our research. Here is the website you can use -
Hayes Hall: began at 8:33pm in ground floor lounge, northmost table
Pingtest: Pkt loss Ping(ms) Jitter(ms) Grade
1% 12 8 B
3% 68 127 D
2% 12 6 C
2% 97 183 D
2% 110 167 D
Speedtest: Ping Download(Mbps) Upload(Mbps)
35 2.57 13.20
45 13.14 17.24
45 7.30 10. 40
45 10.30 13.47
45 4.17 13.67
Tests finished at 8:41pm.
Stuyvesant Hall, 9:00pm in 2nd floor northeast lounge
Pingtest: Pkt loss Ping(ms) Jitter(ms) Grade
1% 36 54 C
2% 11 7 C
1% 89 104 D
2% 71 120 D
4% 91 182 D
Speedtest: Ping Download(Mbps) Upload(Mbps)
45 1.15 3.25
45 1.65 4.97
45 1.57 1.79
45 2.43 2.57
45 4.65 2.77
Test ended at 9:09pm.