Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hayes and Stuyvesant Testing

On Tuesday evening, we tested signal strength and bandwidth in Hayes and Stuyvesant.  The signal strength was acceptable, but we did experience some slower bandwidth in Stuy.  I'm posting the test results below.  A 1.15 mbps connection is fine for most web activities, but not great for those using Netflix or other bandwidth intensive applications. 

The next step is to contact our vendor to see if they can provide some recommendations.  I'm in the process of scheduling that meeting now.  If you'd like to test your bandwidth and post results in the comments, it would be helpful to our research.  Here is the website you can use -

Hayes Hall: began at 8:33pm in ground floor lounge, northmost table
Pingtest:    Pkt loss     Ping(ms)    Jitter(ms)     Grade
                        1%         12                 8                 B
                        3%         68             127                D
                        2%         12                 6                C
                        2%         97             183                D
                        2%       110             167                D
Speedtest:    Ping       Download(Mbps)     Upload(Mbps)
                        35               2.57                      13.20
                        45             13.14                      17.24
                        45               7.30                      10.40
                        45             10.30                      13.47
                        45               4.17                      13.67
Tests finished at 8:41pm.
Stuyvesant Hall, 9:00pm in 2nd floor northeast lounge
Pingtest:     Pkt loss   Ping(ms)     Jitter(ms)   Grade
                        1%        36                54              C
                        2%        11                  7              C
                        1%        89              104              D
                        2%        71              120              D
                        4%        91              182              D
Speedtest:    Ping     Download(Mbps)    Upload(Mbps)
                      45                 1.15                      3.25
                      45                 1.65                      4.97
                      45                 1.57                      1.79
                      45                 2.43                      2.57
                      45                 4.65                      2.77
Test ended at 9:09pm.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bishopnet Issues

We have been receiving reports of problems with bishopnet over the past couple of weeks.  The reports are generally from the residence side of campus, and are most frequent during the evening hours.

On Monday afternoon, we setup tests on the ground floor of Hayes.  We were not able to find any problems at that particular time.  Tonight around 9 or 10pm, we are going to conduct additional tests.

If you experience problems, please post a comment below indicating the following: date, time, location, and function (web browsing, netflix, youtube, etc).  This information will help us narrow down the problem and hopefully create a more stable environment.

We realize the importance of a reliable wireless network on a residential campus.  Thank you for your patience while we investigate.